Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Results
Hand-Boeck, of Cort Begrijp der Caerten Ende Beschryvinghen Van Alle Landen des Werelds by Langenes, Barent, Viverius,... ISBN: 9781362847748 List Price: $25.95
Hand-Boeck, of Cort Begrijp der Caerten Ende Beschryvinghen Van Alle Landen des Werelds by Langenes, Barent, Viverius,... ISBN: 9781362847762 List Price: $33.95
Map of the World by Jodocus Hondius, 1611;; Text by Hondius, Jodocus 1563-1612,... ISBN: 9781014808523 List Price: $12.95